Support for Victims of Crime
Did you know that young people are more likely to be victims of crime than adults? Whether you have experienced crime at home, at school or in your local community we can help you if you live in:
South and West Northumberland
South Tyneside
We offer a special counselling service for you (as long as you are aged 5 to 18 years old, or 25 if the individual has SEND) if you have been a victim of crime. This might include crimes such as domestic abuse, sexual violence or hate crime. This special counselling service helps you to cope and recover from your experience. We offer you the chance to meet other young people who have been through similar experiences to come together, support each other and make new friends.
To find out more about our young victims of crime service you can drop in to our Young People’s Service based on the West Road in Newcastle, use our contact us form, ring 0191 273 3997 or [email protected]. You can also ring or text 07720 089482.
This special work is funded by the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Supporting Victims’ Fund.