Architecture practice designs Christmas Bake Off
Architecture practice, Xsite, have drawn up a brilliant Christmas Bake for Bairns fundraiser that’s got great kerb appeal!
The Ouseburn-based firm have been cooking up a storm and these mouth watering photographs of their recent bakes demonstrate just how talented the team are in the kitchen.
Practice Manager, Gail Temperley, said their Christmas Bake For Bairns Challenge is proving a lovely way to keep staff in touch and involved as half of the office are currently working from home. In fact it’s creating a fair bit of good-natured competition. “It’s certainly stirred things up and it’s a good talking point,” said Gail.
The Chorizo and Apple Sausage Rolls above were created by architect Paul Convery whilst architecture student Jack O’Neil, on placement with Xcite from Sheffield Hallam University this year, baked an amazing Blueberry Cheesecake. Meanwhile, Gail herself went with her mum, Mary’s, recipe for a Traditional Sausage Plait, which was a real winner and which she’s kindly agreed to share here.
“My mum used to make it when we were little and my brother’s friends used to call it Cow Pie – it’s been handed down and the name’s just stuck! It really is lovely and very easy to make.”
If you’d like to join our Christmas Bake for Bairns fundraiser, you can read more about how to join in here – and don’t forget to share your photographs on our social media!
Ten steps to Mary’s Traditional Sausage Plait (Cow Pie)
· 8 Cumberland Sausages (skinned)
· Puff Pastry – of course you can buy it! why wouldn’t you?!
· Branston Pickle
· Red Leicester cheese grated
· Beaten egg and a drop of milk for glazing
1. Grease a baking tray and cover with parchment paper
2. Roll out Puff Pastry
3. Place the skinned sausage along the puff pastry two side by side using the 8 sausages
4. Cut pastry on a diagonal either side of the sausage about 1.5 cm strips, same number both sides.
5. Place Branston pickle down the middle of sausages
6. Sprinkle a good amount of cheese on top of the pickle
7. Brush the pastry with beaten egg and plait pastry over the sausages from one side, then the other, until all pieces have been used
8. Brush the complete plait with beaten egg
9. Transfer to baking tray and bake for 35 – 40 mins
10. Try not to eat it the minute if comes out the oven!
Most importantly enjoy xx