FAB Group shares community health messages in inspiring mural!
BE KIND! That was the message our awesome FAB Group brought to the Children North East allotment on a bright Spring afternoon this April.
With paints, pens and brushes in hand, they set off creating artworks calling for kindness, including a set of posters and a mural covering on side of the on-site shed. Watch our short video capturing the excitement of the day above, along with some of the photos of what we got up to further down this page!
The Be Kind message was the perfect addition to the allotment, which is often used for therapeutic and wellbeing related support for children and young people accessing Children North East services, as well as fun sessions for our youth groups. Growing plants and food, enjoying nature and cooking sessions based around the BBQ are all part of the wonderful ways the charity makes the most of its outdoor space.
The day was made possible with funding from the Newcastle Council Community Health Fund, which supports community-led activities that pass on public health messages through creative ideas and ‘Community Champions’.
The FAB (Fantastic and Brilliant) Group is a group of young people aged 11 to 25 who have SEND. Every month, the FAB Group come together to make friends, share experiences and exchange insights into support for young people with SEND in the local area and beyond. You can learn more about the Group on our website.