Luke Bramhall: Sage Gateshead Guest Blog

In a guest blog with Sage Gateshead, our Poverty Proofing and Participation Service Manager, Luke Bramhall, discusses the severe impact that poverty has on the lives of an ever-increasing number of families in our area and beyond, why the way our society is set up is failing these families and the positive impact that access to experiences and services can have.

Luke has been with Children North East since 2013, originally starting as one of our Youth Link Co-ordinators. On his current role with us, he writes:
“My role is incredibly varied and includes leading on the national work of Poverty Proofing which is having a significant impact for children, young people and their families across the country. I have a real passion to ensure a fair school experience for all children and young people and this ties in directly with the poverty proofing work. This also links very closely with the need for students to get the relevant support for their wellbeing, and many of the programmes we are now delivering in schools is responding to this need.”
You can read Lukes blog post with Sage Gateshead via the link below: