Thank you Players of the People’s Postcode Lottery!


Children North East and Players of People’s Postcode Lottery are working together to support babies, children, young people and families across the North East of England.

Players of the People’s Postcode Lottery have supported Children North East for 16 years, providing over £4.2 million to help babies, children and young people in the region grow up happy and healthy. These funds have empowered our teams to reach more young people and families with life-changing services, often when they have no where else to turn. With their help, we have been able to provide therapeutic and mental health support, domestic abuse recovery programmes, safe spaces for young people to realise their potential and projects strengthening families and communities.

Players’ support plays a transformative role in our work towards happy, healthy childhoods. The ability to use funds flexibly has allowed us to provide help when it will make the biggest impact, sustain services through change and respond when an urgent need arises, such as during the pandemic.

Watch our very special film, made in partnership with the People’s Postcode Lottery, ‘Home Is Where Hope Is’ sharing the impact of funds raised by Players of the lottery within local communities across the North East >

Who are the People’s Postcode Lottery?

People’s Postcode Lottery is a subscription lottery, which supports a range of  charities. With 33% of the ticket price going to charity, Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised more than £1.3 billion pounds for thousands of charities and local good causes. Learn more about the People’s Postcode Lottery on its website.

What is the Postcode Children Trust?

Postcode Children Trust has a mission to inspire and support children and young people to make the most of their lives and opportunities within their communities. The Trust supports charities and good causes with those purposes through grant funding. Postcode Children Trust operates its own society lottery and receives all of its funding from the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Learn more about the Postcode Children Trust on its website.